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Department of Gastroenterology

Navigating Digestive Health: Discover Our Premier Gastroenterology Department

Welcome to VAGA Hospital's esteemed Gastroenterology Department, where expertise meets innovation to guide you on a journey to optimal digestive health. With a team of distinguished gastroenterologists, state-of-the-art diagnostics, and a commitment to comprehensive gastrointestinal care, we proudly stand as a beacon of excellence in the field.

Why Choose Our Gastroenterology Department:

Connect with Us:

Whether you’re seeking relief from digestive discomfort, managing a chronic condition, or exploring preventive measures, our Gastroenterology Department is here to guide you toward digestive wellness. Contact our compassionate team to schedule a consultation, learn about our services, or experience the modern facilities we provide.

Discover digestive well-being through the expertise of VAGA Hospital’s Gastroenterology Department. Your digestive health is our priority.

Digestive Health Pioneers: Our Gastroenterology Team

Introducing our expert gastroenterologists, leaders in digestive care. With cutting-edge expertise, they ensure your gastrointestinal health is in expert hands.

Dr. Brijesh Shukla

Dr. Rahul Yadav

Dr. Pradeep Joshi

Dr. Mukteshwar